Lightning Component Unit Test - System Error

2017, Aug 20    

While working on Lightning components recently discovered that LEX APEX controllers are tricky to test. Mainly because of use aura.redirect or other aura. calls. If we try testing methods that use aura.redirect call we will get a System error like this,

Internal Salesforce Error: 173417772-1404 (604027281) (604027281)

that does not tell anything usefull to a developer. Tech Support has translated this for me to some Missing ORACLE connection context. Given the fact that Salesforce platform is built on giant ORACLE instance it is not surprisig. At times I feel that main reason Salesforce has limts is to protect that giant ORACLE instance from fail. Anyways lets see how to resolve this issue with our test code.

Digging bit deeper is WHY? Main reason for this error is aura.<> is a JavaScript frontend library, but here we are testing APEX controller back end that has to interface with front end JS library. Any such hybridization of programming languages can bring complex problems to light and I personally would avoid such transitions.

For this example we have a custom Lightning Component that is mostly a copy of example forgotPassword found in any developer org. This component that performs a function to help users reset password. It has APEX Controller class like this one

global class LightningForgotPasswordController {

    public LightningForgotPasswordController() {


    public static String forgotPassword(String username, String checkEmailUrl) {
        try {
            ApexPages.PageReference checkEmailRef = CommunitiesUtil.getCommunityPageRedirect('custom-forgot-password');
            if(!Site.isValidUsername(username)) {
                return Label.Site.invalid_email;
            // Set perameter to display page message
        	checkEmailRef.getParameters().put('emailSent', 'true');
            return null;
        catch (Exception ex) {
            return ex.getMessage();

Simple one method that calls forgotPassword methods, checks user validity and redirects user to page with a message to check email and reset password.

This method has following unit test code that tests this class to provide code coverage.

@IsTest(SeeAllData = true)
public with sharing class LightningForgotPasswordControllerTest {

 /* Verifies that ForgotPasswordController handles invalid usernames appropriately */
 static void testLightningForgotPasswordControllerInvalidUserName() {
  System.assertEquals(LightningForgotPasswordController.forgotPassword('fakeUser', ''), Label.Site.invalid_email);
  System.assertEquals(LightningForgotPasswordController.forgotPassword(null, ''), Label.Site.invalid_email);
  System.assertEquals(LightningForgotPasswordController.forgotPassword('a', '/home/home.jsp'), Label.Site.invalid_email);

 /* Verifies that null checkEmailRef url throws proper exception. */
 static void testLightningForgotPasswordControllerWithNullCheckEmailRef() {
  System.assertEquals(LightningForgotPasswordController.forgotPassword('a', null), 'Argument 1 cannot be null');
  System.assertEquals(LightningForgotPasswordController.forgotPassword('', null), 'Argument 1 cannot be null');

 /* Verifies that LightningForgotPasswordController object is instantiated correctly. */
 static void LightningForgotPasswordControllerInstantiation() {
  LightningForgotPasswordController controller = new LightningForgotPasswordController();
  System.assertNotEquals(controller, null);

When I run this type of unit test on my dev sandbox I got the interesting system error mentioned earlier

Internal Salesforce Error: 173417772-1404 (604027281) (604027281)

IMPORTANT fact if I use this exact Salesforce example class and run that unit test, it will work. However, for some reason that test does NOT run/test aura.redirect(checkEmailRef); line of code, it is ignored in Salesforce created class. But on my own custom controller code it executed this code and has an error.

One simple way I found to avoid this error and provide effective test coverage is NOT to RUN aura.redirect during unit tests Test.isRunningTest(). This means making conditional code that is a bit ugly but in this case needed to move forward. Here is fixed code and unit test that worked.

global class LightningForgotPasswordController {

    public LightningForgotPasswordController() {


    public static String forgotPassword(String username, String checkEmailUrl) {
        try {
            ApexPages.PageReference checkEmailRef = CommunitiesUtil.getCommunityPageRedirect('custom-forgot-password');
            if(!Site.isValidUsername(username)) {
                return Label.Site.invalid_email;
            // Set perameter to display page message
        	checkEmailRef.getParameters().put('emailSent', 'true');
            // Special consideration
            // SF System error on aura redirect missing context
            // Avoid error for Unit tests run do not redirect
            return null;
        catch (Exception ex) {
            return ex.getMessage();

Unit test is mostly the same

@IsTest(SeeAllData = false)
public with sharing class ForgotPasswordControllerTest {
	/* Verifies that ForgotPasswordController handles invalid usernames appropriately */
 	static void testLightningForgotPasswordControllerInvalidUserName() {
  		System.assertEquals(ForgotPasswordController.forgotPassword('fakeUser', ''), Label.Site.invalid_email);
  		System.assertEquals(ForgotPasswordController.forgotPassword(null, ''), Label.Site.invalid_email);
  		System.assertEquals(ForgotPasswordController.forgotPassword('a', '/home/home.jsp'), Label.Site.invalid_email);

 	/* Verifies that null checkEmailRef url throws proper exception. */
	static void testLightningForgotPasswordControllerWithNullCheckEmailRef() {
  		System.assertEquals(ForgotPasswordController.forgotPassword('', ''), 'Invalid Email Address');
  		//System.assertEquals(ForgotPasswordController.forgotPassword('', null), 'Invalid Email Address');

 	/* Verifies that LightningForgotPasswordController object is instantiated correctly. */
 	static void LightningForgotPasswordControllerInstantiation() {
  		ForgotPasswordController controller = new ForgotPasswordController();
  		System.assertNotEquals(controller, null);

Fix for unit test system error, now I can deploy code to Production with effective code coverage.